Issues Defense Fund


The Colorado Pest Control Association’s Industry Defense Fund (IDF) was established to help bolster and defend the pest control industry in Colorado. As a source of direct financial support to public policy, it is an indispensable weapon. The IDF funds our advocacy infrastructure, lobbying efforts, and strengthens CPCA’s relationships with lawmakers.

The IDF was instrumental in enacting the landmark 2019 bed bug bill into law, protecting the industry from a neonicotinoid ban, and defeating an attempt at repealing pesticide preemption in 2020. We will need your continued support to replenish our resources and continue the fight. Remember, those who are involved in government the least, lose the most. Without a unified industry, we won't have an industry. So we urge to you stand with us and support the industry by contributing to the CPCA Industry Defense Fund.

If you would like to get more involved or make a donation, please contact Colorado's Executive Director, Alexis Wirtz at 800-678-6722 /

Meetings and Schedule

CPCA Spring Conference | Westminster, CO 

March 20-21, 2025

Register Now!


1st Annual CPCA Golf Tournament | Thornton, CO

June 20, 2025

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