CPCA Bob Hand Scholarship Program

The application period is now open.


Download the Application

The application deadline is now closed and will reopen in 2025.

The Program

The CPCA has established a scholarship program to assist member companies, their employees, and their children who plan to continue education in college or vocational school programs. This scholarship program will be administered by the CPCA scholarship committee. Awards will be granted without regard to race, color, creed, gender, religion, disability, sexual orientation, or national origin. 



Applicants to the CPCA Scholarship Program must be:

  • A United States citizen and must be a resident of Colorado for the last two (2) years, and meet the following criteria:
  • A company owner or employee of a pest control business that has maintained active membership in the CPCA for a minimum of two (2) years and is currently an active member in good standing.
  • An immediate family member of a CPCA pest control company member-owner or employee to include a son, daughter, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, or spouse. It shall not include the brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts, nieces, or nephews of an owner or employee unless they are employed in the business.
  • Have owned, worked full-time, or be the immediate family member of a CPCA member pest control company for a minimum of two (2) years. The pest control company must be a member in good standing and have held membership for at least the last two (2) years. The employee must be employed in the pest control business, and not by other enterprises owned by the company.
  • The applicant must be a graduate of high school or have passed a high school equivalency examination indicating the completion of high school, or be already enrolled in a full-time* course of study at an accredited program of a two- or four-year college, university or vocational-technical school, online education or continuing education or certification program.


*full-time is defined as at least twelve (12) hours of courses for an undergraduate degree and six (6) hours of courses for a graduate program.


CPCA board members are not personally eligible to receive a scholarship to fund their own educational endeavors.



Up to $1000 of scholarship funding will be awarded. A student who has been awarded a scholarship may apply for an additional scholarship for subsequent years of study for a maximum of four (4) total years. An award is contingent upon satisfactory academic performance in a full-time course of study and continued employment of the student or student’s immediate family with a pest control company that is an active member in good standing with the CPCA.


Up to $1000 of scholarship funding will be provided for continuing education or graduate study if the minimum undergraduate applicants are not received. This can be used for continuing education study in the Structural Pest Control Industry.



Applicants must mail the application with current, complete transcripts to CPCA after the December grading period, postmarked no later than June 1st. The application should include all pertinent information that demonstrates the applicant's academic, professional, and societal accomplishments and leadership. Essays describing career aspirations, articles, letters of recommendation, and similar supporting materials are encouraged, but not required.

Applicants will receive acknowledgments of receipt of their application. Applicants may call the CPCA to verify that the application has been received.

Applicants are responsible for gathering and submitting all necessary information. Applications are evaluated on the information supplied. All information received is considered confidential.


Selection of Recipients

Selection of recipient(s) is made by the CPCA Scholarship Committee. All applicants agree to accept the decision of the CPCA Scholarship Committee as final.

Scholarship recipient(s) are selected on the basis of academic record, demonstrated leadership and participation in school and academic excellence, community activities, work experience, career objectives and aspirations.

Applicants will be notified by June 1st of the result of their application. Students may reapply to the program each year they meet eligibility requirements.


Payment of Scholarships

Scholarship payments are made in two (2) equal installments on August 15 and December 15. Checks are mailed to each recipient’s home address and are made payable to the school of the student.



Recipients are required to notify the CPCA of any change of address, school enrollment status, or other relevant information that would impact the recipient's eligibility to receive the scholarship.



The CPCA reserves the right to review the conditions and procedures of this scholarship program and to make changes at any time including termination of the program.

Meetings and Schedule

CPCA Spring Conference | Westminster, CO 

March 20-21, 2025

Register Now!


1st Annual CPCA Golf Tournament | Thornton, CO

June 20, 2025

Register Now!


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